Blog by Sanjeev panday | Digital Diary

" To Present local Business identity in front of global market"

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BEST HASHTAGS SELFIE for Instagram Youtube Twitter Pinterest TikTok Facebook

BEST HASHTAGS SELFIE for Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, Pinterest, TikTok, Facebook #selfie #like #love #me #instagood #follow #photooftheday #smile #myself #happy #style #cute #photography #picoftheday #instagram #girl #photo #fashion #beautiful #model #instadaily #life #beauty #followme #art #nature #makeup #l #instalike #fun #likeforlikes #bhfyp #portrait #music #lifestyle #summer #insta #travel... Read More

BEST HASHTAGS SELFIE for Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, Pinterest, TikTok, Facebook

#selfie #like #love #me #instagood #follow #photooftheday #smile #myself #happy #style #cute #photography #picoftheday #instagram #girl #photo #fashion #beautiful #model #instadaily #life #beauty #followme #art #nature #makeup #l #instalike #fun

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Ok <script> document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Hello JavaScript!"; </script> document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Hello JavaScript!"; Read More


document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Hello JavaScript!";

document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Hello JavaScript!";

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Video Compressor website list Read More

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Buy and Sell Your Content Websites List Read More

11 भारतीय सर्च इंजन की सूची (Indian Search Engine In Hindi)

Made In Indian Search Engine&nbsp;In Hindi&nbsp;:&nbsp;Internet&nbsp;के इस दौर में आप सभी&nbsp;Search Engine&nbsp;से वाकिफ जरुर होंगे. Search Engine वे होते हैं जिनके द्वारा हम Internet पर मौजूद जानकारी को खोज कर सकते हैं.&nbsp; वैसे दुनिया में बहुत बड़े और Popular Search हैं जैसे&nbsp;Google,&nbsp;Yahoo, Bing&nbsp;Etc. जो सभी विदेशी Company है. &nbsp; आप लोगों के मन में कभी न कभी ये ख्याल जरुर आय... Read More

Made In Indian Search Engine In Hindi Internet के इस दौर में आप सभी Search Engine से वाकिफ जरुर होंगे. Search Engine वे होते हैं जिनके द्वारा हम Internet पर मौजूद जानकारी को खोज कर सकते हैं. 

वैसे दुनिया में बहुत बड़े और Popular Search हैं जैसे GoogleYahoo, Bing Etc. जो सभी विदेशी Company है.


आप लोगों के मन में कभी न कभी ये ख्याल जरुर आया होगा कि Google की तरह ही भारत का कोई अपना Indian Search Engine है या नहीं.

तो इसका जवाब है हाँ. भारत में भी अनेकों भारतीय Search Engine बने हैं पर वे सभी Google  जितने Develop नहीं हुए हैं इसलिए इनकी Popularity भी कम है. 

इस लेख के माध्यम से हम आपको 10 Indian Search Engine In Hindi के बारे में बताएँगे. इनमें से कुछ के बारे में आपने सुना होगा और कुछ का नाम शायद आप पहली बारे सुनें. तो चलिए शुरू करते है – Indian Search Engine In Hindi.

भारतीय सर्च इंजन लिस्ट – Indian Search Engine Name List In Hindi


अब हम आपको भारतीय सर्च इंजन (11 Indian Search Engine) नाम के बारे में बताएँगे, जिनमें से कुछ के बारे में आपने पहले से ही सुना होगा और शायद कुछ आपके लिए नए भी हों


#1 – 13tabs (टैब्स सर्च इंजन)

13tabs.Com  साल 2016 में धनबाद के रहने वाले सागर मिश्रा और वरुण मिश्रा दो Engineer भाइयों ने मिलकर 13tabs नामक Indian Search Engine को बनाया. दोनों ने इस Search Engine को बनाने के लिए 3 साल की कड़ी मेहनत की.

13Tabs Search Engine Google की तरह ही काम करता है. 2016 में जब यह Search Engine Launch किया गया तो इसमें 7 करोड़ Web Page मौजूद थे. और आज इसकी संख्या और भी अधिक है. 

अन्य भारतीय Search Engine की तुलना में इसका User Experience बेहतर है. इसके द्वारा दिखाए जाने वाले Searches बहुत ही Relevant होते हैं.  


#2 – Guruji (गुरूजी सर्च इंजन)

 Guruji.Com भारत का एक बेहतरीन Search Engine था जिसकी शुरुवात 2006 में हुई थी और 2011 में यह Search Engine बंद हो गया था. 

Guruji Search Engine को भारतीय प्रोधोगिकी संस्थान दिल्ली से Graduate दो छात्रों अनुराग डोड और गौरव मिश्रा में बनाया था.

दोनों ने अमेरिका की मशहूर कंपनी SEQUOIA से 7 मिलियन का फंड लेकर Guruji.Com जैसे Search Engine को बनाया था. 

Guruji.Com 2006 से 2010 तक भारत में एक बेहद Popular Search Engine बन गया था क्योकि इसके Feature बहुत कमाल के थे. पर 2011 के शुरुवात से ही Guruji.Com में Error आने लगे और यह बेहतरीन Search Engine बंद हो गया.


#3 – Just Dial (जस्ट डायल सर्च इंजन)

Justdial.Com  एक Local Indian Search Engine है. इसकी मदद से आप अपने शहर में कोई भी Service जैसे Hotel, Bill Recharge, Bank Etc. को आसानी से ढूंढ सकते हैं. 

Just Dial से अपने शहर के Business को आसानी से ढूंड सकते हैं. Just Dial की स्थापना 1996 में VSS Mani ने की थी और मुंबई से इसकी शुरुवात हुई. यह Search Engine आज भी अच्छी तरह से काम करता है. 

#4 – wefru (वेफ्रू)  एक Local Indian Search Engine है. इसकी मदद से आप अपने शहर में कोई भी Service जैसे Hotel, Bill Recharge, Bank Etc. को आसानी से ढूंढ सकते हैं. 

wefru से अपने शहर के Business को आसानी से ढूंड सकते हैं. wefru  की स्थापना 2018 में  और Meerut से इसकी शुरुवात हुई. यह Search Engine आज भी अच्छी तरह से काम करता है. 

#5 – 123 Khoj (ख़ोज सर्च इंजन)

123Khoj.Com एक भारतीय Search Engine है जो 2014 में बना था. इस Search Engine का Interface Google की तरह ही है. यह बहुत अधिक Popular नहीं है. 

Khoj Search Engine इतना अधिक Develop नहीं है इसके द्वारा दिखाए जाने वाले Result बहुत ही Low Quality के होते हैं. चंडीगढ़ में इसका Head Quarter है. 



#6 – Epic Search (एपिक सर्च इंजन)

Epic Search बंगलुरु में स्थित Company Hidden Reflex का Product है. इसके Founder आलोक भरद्वाज हैं, Epic Search की स्थापना 2010 में हुई थी. 


यह दुसरे भारतीय Search Engine की तुलना में अधिक Advance है और अच्छी तरह काम करता है. 


#7 – Rediff (रीडिफ़ सर्च इंजन)


Rediff.Com एक ऐसा भारतीय सर्च इंजन (Indian Search Engine) है जिसकी मदद से आप Entertainment, NewsShopping से Related Search कर सकते हैं. इसकी स्थापना 1996 में हुई थी और इसका Head Quarter मुंबई में स्थित है. 



#8 – Qmamu (क्यू मामू सर्च इंजन)

Qmamu.Com को एक 23 साल के गुजराती लड़के निशित धनानी ने 26 जनवरी 2021 को Launch किया. इनकी Company का नाम Qmamu Technology Pvt. Ltd है.


भारतीय Qmamu Search Engine एक बहुत ही अच्छा Search Engine है जो Relevant Result Show करता है. यहाँ पर आपको Shopping, Image, Video, News के Option मिल जाते हैं. यह Easy To Use है. इसका Interface भी बहुत अच्छा है. इस Search Engine को आप भी एक बार जरुर Try करें. 

Qmamu का Head Quarter अहमदाबाद में स्थित है. 

#9 – Neeva Search Engine ( नीवा सर्च इंजन )

Neeva.Co एक भारतीय Search Engine है जिसके संस्थापक श्रीधर रामास्वामी और विवेक रघुनाथन जी हैं. साल 2018 में दोनों में मिलकर Neeva नामक Search Engine को बनाया. ये दोनों इससे पहले Google में काम कर चुकें हैं. 

इस Search Engine को बनाने का मकसद था कि User को Ad-Free Search Engine प्रदान करवाना. Neeva User को DATA को Collect नहीं करता है. 

Neeva Search Engine एक Private और भारतीय Ad-Free Search Engine है इसलिए इसमें किसी भी प्रकार की Ad Show नहीं होगी और इसे इस्तेमाल करने के लिए User को लगभग 700 रूपये प्रतिमाह देने पड़ सकते हैं. 

#10 – (आई भारत सर्च इंजन)

IBharat.Org के संस्थापक संजय जाट हैं. संजय जी ने साल 2014 में IBharat को Launch किया था. IBharat जब Launch हुवा था तो इसके Data Base में 1 लाख Web Page थे यह संख्या निरंतर बढती जा रही है. 


IBharat.Org ने अपने Platform पर स्वदेशी Tab भी Add किया है जो User को भारत के उत्पादों की जानकारी देगा. IBharat ने Play Store और I Store पर अपने App को भी Launch किया है.


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B2B Portals Worldwide: 17 Best B2B Websites for 2024 – 2025

Top 17 B2B Websites in the World for Traders in 2024-25 The business to business industry has grown exponentially in the last decade. If you&#39;re not familiar with what B2B sites are, it is a website that allows a business to make a commercial transaction with another. This is usually done when sourcing materials. China has the highest number of B2B marketing agencies in the world, followed by t... Read More

Top 17 B2B Websites in the World for Traders in 2024-25

The business to business industry has grown exponentially in the last decade. If you're not familiar with what B2B sites are, it is a website that allows a business to make a commercial transaction with another. This is usually done when sourcing materials.

China has the highest number of B2B marketing agencies in the world, followed by the USA, India and Hong Kong.

Below is a list of the world's top best B2B websites.

1. Alibaba

The world's best b2b website for global wholesale trade, Alibaba is the largest B2B online marketplace in the world. Originating from China, it has support for many languages including Deutsch, Italiano, Polska, Japanese, etc. It was launched in 1999 and has now left popular websites like Amazon and eBay far behind. Alibaba group's two portals managed to draw in $170,000 million sales in 2012, which more than the combined of eBay and Amazon. It also hosts more than 35 million users currently.

Some of its other brands include AliExpress, Alipay, and Alibaba international. The only problem with this top website is that some companies are simply trading companies and not the manufacturer.

2. IndiaMART

An e-commerce company that provides B2B sales and also B2C and C2C via its portal. The Economic Time labeled IndiaMART the largest online marketplace in India and is considered the world's second largest B2B website after Alibaba. Coming from Uttar Pradesh, no one would have thought to see it as the big beast it has become today. Its revenue in 2014 was more than 200 crore.

Dinesh Agarwal founded IndiaMART along with InterMESH. Renowned as one of the best b2b website the firm currently employees more than two thousand employees in the major cities of India and as 2015, it has claimed to have more than 3 million suppliers listed on the website.

3. wefru

Fairly new to the B2B industry, wefru  has earned a good enough reputation quickly. : SAAS Platform for eCommerce, Digital Store & Billing. Its Completely safe, secure, and Tested with 4000+ Businesses.

Wefru is a REVOLUTIONERY way to create your online global presence at few clicks. Here we developed a platform that enables your business growth at the equal opportunity as to industry growth. This platform ceases business boundaries irrespective to their size that means small business have same opportunity as well large businesses. Industry expert& rsquo s opinion that digital business approach is more effective as compared to traditional business.

This platform focused B2B as well as B2C also. This feature enables us as a prominent local search engine that provides local search across the country. Our services are aiming user convenient to accessible at one place.


" To Present local Business identity   in front of global market"

The website has especially affected smaller to medium businesses that failed to gain recognition on previously known best b2b websites operating within Pakistan. 10 Free B2B lead generation is, of course, a major reason to sign up here.


4. eWorldTrade

Fairly new to the B2B industry, eWorldTrade has earned a good enough reputation quickly. A subsidiary of Reckon Media LLC, a firm that provides digital media and technological services, based in the US. eWorldTrade itself has its operational unit around the world.

It is the only B2B marketplace currently offering up to 10 leads free of cost when you sign up to it. This has been a huge selling point for businesses, and this can be seen through its fast growth in only a few years. Most of its manufacturers are from China however, it also has businesses from the USA, India, Malaysia, and Pakistan partnered with it.

Due to its main operational unit being based in Pakistan, the platform has become a part of CPEC and will benefit greatly due to this in the future. Lowest wholesale rates and fast delivery can be easily expected from eWorldTrade.

The website has especially affected smaller to medium businesses that failed to gain recognition on previously known best b2b websites operating within Pakistan. 10 Free B2B lead generation is, of course, a major reason to sign up here.

5. Made-in-China

Another popular & one of the best B2B websites you must've heard of. It was developed and is operated by Focus Technology Co., Ltd. From the country of China; it is a leader in the industry of electronic business. All their products are either made in China or Taiwan.

However, Made-in-China has had a few issues when in 2007 the US, Canada, Australia and the European Union issued recalls on a broad range of Chinese-made consumer goods.

Yet, it remains one of the most successful websites in the world for business to business sales.

6. GlobalSources

Global Sources is a Hong Kong-based e-commerce company that is also registered with NASDAQ and GSOL. It is quite an old player with being founded in 1970 by Merle A. Hinrichs and C. Joseph Bendy as Trade Media Ltd.

Global Sources has grown tremendously this year and has more than 1 million international buyers currently housed under it. Global Sources has an incredible B2B sales strategy and is the reason why it has lasted so long in the game and continues to grow each day. At the end of 2012, the revenue of this B2B online marketplace was $231.7 million.

The selling point of this platform is that it verifies the quality of the manufacturer, a service very few other platforms provide. Along with that, Global sources also has specialized shows around the world that bring buyers and suppliers face-to-face in a quality environment.

7. DHgate

A leading wholesale website for good manufactured in China, DHgate is a must try. It has a pretty consistent record of quality services and products and offers rates that cannot be found elsewhere. Again, it is a Chinese company but also supports the English language.

Like eWorldTrade, DHgate also facilitates manufactured products from small and medium-sized business owners. It provides a safe international payment and logistics service. Although its headquarters are located in Beijing, China, it has a number of offices around the world including countries such as the USA, the UAE, Philippines, and India.

Something we don't get to see every day is that DHgate was formed a woman, Diane Wang, who was also one of the founders of She has also served as Country Marketing Director of Cisco Systems. In 201, the company claimed to have over 1.2 million Chinese suppliers and 10 million buyers from 200+ countries.

8. TradeIndia

As the name says, it is an Indian company with its head office in New Delhi. It currently has over 3 million registered users and serves as one of the best b2b website operating globally to buy products made in India and trade globally. From Home décor, agriculture to machinery, Trade India surely has a huge variety of goods


It is a portal specifically for small businesses in India. Founded in 1996, by Bikky Khosla, it has grown to have branch offices in over 35 cities and employees over 1200 professionals.

It basically functions as an online directory service to the global export-import community.

It currently has over 12,000 product categories and subcategories. Along with being in the B2B industry, Trade India has organized events and has also been associated with Google as their premier SME partner.

9. iOffer

An online marketplace quite similar to Amazon and eBay on which you can pretty much buy and sell anything just like its slogan, "A Place to Buy, Sell & Trade," says.

Created by Steven Nerayoff, iOffer is a San Francisco based online trading company. It was launched in 2002.

The website has earned its reputation of being one of the best b2b websites through its claims to have one million users including about 75,000 sellers. A unique feature on this site is that it allows free listing of items for sale and charges them only when they are sold or for premium listing services. The difference between iOffer and eBay is that it offers little in the way of buyer and seller protection from frauds.

10. ECplaza

Due to its B2B leads, the portal has grown to No.1 Trade Leader providing online and offline services to over 1,000,000 members.

It was created by Inkyu Park, in 1996 and is a South Korea platform.

It is probably the best b2b website that is full of trade leads, product catalogs, and company directories. The portal offers quite a few languages like English, Chinese, Korean and Japanese.

ECplaza has had slow but consistent growth over the years and has today build a worldwide network and high brand recognition for itself. ECplaza is a safe online wholesale mall for international trade.

11. ECVV

One of the best B2B websites in the world, ECVV was founded in 2003 with the mission to facilitate global trade more efficiently. One of the several companies from China that have become masters and dominate the world business to business sales. ECVV is a pretty reliable platform to purchase from. It provides global buyers current and quality information on suppliers and products and packages.

It is the first end-to-end procurement service platform in China and is a major international trade promoter. The annual trade volume on ECVV is estimated to be $5,000 million.

By the end of 2009, it had over 2,000,000 registered users and received 800,000 buyers from 200+ countries.

12. Fibre2Fashion

While most renowned best B2B websites seem to be selling everything, Fibre2Fashion has maintained its focus on, well, fashion. It was built with an aim to bolster and serve the textile fraternity. The portal currently offers analysis reports, business solutions, magazines and much more along with their products. It is a fantastic business to business marketing place for buyers all around the world. The website is Indian and thus features mostly Indian suppliers. However, the quality is impeccable.

Since its birth in 2000, it has consistently been growing leaps and bounds.

13. ExportersIndia

Last but not the least is, ExportersIndia.

The website was incepted in 1997 and is owned by Weblink.In Pvt Ltd., currently. Like a few companies in this list, ExportersIndia is from India as well, if you couldn't tell by the name.

 It offers full support in the English language and has its headquarters in New Delhi, India. It is the largest searchable & one of the best B2B websites for variety manufacturers, exporters, and importers, suppliers, etc. It also has an app available for Android phones on Google Play.

However, it is a website that must be used with caution. Recently, quite a few reviews have spoken against it.

14. Tradekey


Tradekey is considered to be one of the largest B2B players in electronics segment. With its presence in over 240 countries, it connects traders with buyers, distributors, importers and exporters, wholesalers, retailers and manufacturers across all 240 countries through a single platform.


15. is South Korea based company which is facilitating trade opportunities to small -medium-business. It claims to have more than 1.5 Million registered business and over 3 Million products.

Ec21- Global B2B market place



Global market is a M2B (manufacturers to business) marketplace which connects the Chinese manufacturers to the marketplaces.

To ensure quality suppliers gives certification to its suppliers after verification and screening for quality.

Globalmarket- Certified manufacturers, suppliers, factories, exporters from China and Hongkong


17. helps business to network with other businesses for trade purpose. Sellers can become a member of their portal and start trading with the buyers in the location of their choice. The portal lists its members based on the categories.


Although, this is not an exhaustive list and there are many upcoming B2B marketplaces doing well and starting to occupy good market share but, these are the best ones.


TradeHolding- international B2B Network

In our next article, we would try to cover in detail how to do business transactions effectively and successfully on these B2B portals and get the most out of it.





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SECTION-1 : REGISTER YOUR BUSINESS TO DEVELOP TRUST IN YOUR BRAND Business Registration &nbsp;Company Registration Trademark Registration ISO Certification GST Registration MSME Registration PF &amp; ESI Registration Register Your Business Today for Better Tomorrow WHY &amp; WHEN REQUIRED TO BUILD GOODWILL IN THE INDUSTRY Incorporating your company is the key to unlock your Corporate dreams into r... Read More


Business Registration

 Company Registration

Trademark Registration

ISO Certification

GST Registration

MSME Registration

PF & ESI Registration

Register Your Business Today for Better Tomorrow



Incorporating your company is the key to unlock your Corporate dreams into reality. There are various types of companies according to one requirement like Private Limited, Public Limited, Nidhi company, Section 8 company etc. A registered business helps to have startup funding and develop trust in the eyes of employees, investors, vendors, customer etc. who want to deal with you. Company Incorporation is to be done when an entrepreneur has a plan or idea to implement or It can be done when an existing entrepreneur wants to legalise their business or expand their business.



Startup Funding

Startup Recognition

Pitch Deck & Project Report

Startup Consulting



Startup Compliances

SECTION-3 Auditor Appointment ROC Compliances GST Compliances PF & ESI Compliances Income tax Compliances TDS Compliances


Web Presence

SECTION-4 Domain & Web-Hosting Website Development Mobile app development CRM development Graphic Designing Content & Blog Writing Corporate Profile Video Production


Digital Marketing

SECTION-5 E-commerce Product listing Paid Campaign On Page & Off Page SEO Social Media Optimisation Review Management


Legal Drafting

SECTION-6 Employee Contract Vendor Agreement Privacy Policy Terms of Service


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100 Lead Generation methods for business

O P E N I N G&nbsp; N O T E S&nbsp; Initiate 100 lead generation activities for your business. Assign different people to activate various Lead generation techniques and monitor Active - Means the Leads you can generate by meeting people 121 direct Paid - Means whether you need to spend money for the Activity Online - Means the activity using internet Passive - Means the leads through online witho... Read More

O P E N I N G  N O T E S 

Initiate 100 lead generation activities for your business.

Assign different people to activate various Lead generation techniques and monitor

Active -

Means the Leads you can generate by meeting people 121 direct

Paid -

Means whether you need to spend money for the Activity

Online -

Means the activity using internet

Passive -

Means the leads through online without meeting people

Free - Means you can do this activity with your existing resources

Offline -

Means the activity is offline

*The activity is highlighted Dark next to each lead to indicate that the activity is right for the LEAD.

*Find Software Tools and Resources in the Text links for the particular lead generation activitie


1. Networking-in local groups for leads

Identify local network groups and meet often

Active / Free /  Offline 

2. Networking - Form your own referral marketing group & exchange leads

Form a group of Business owners who are in the same target market but different

businesses. Refer to each other when there is a potential opportunity.

Active / Free /  Offline 

3. Meet with a network member at regular intervals outside the group to generate leads. 121

Understand each others businesses, so that you can refer each other. Request clients you want to get connected.

Active / Free /  Offline 

4. Keep in touch with existing clients regularly.

This can be done through meetings, greetings, email marketing, etc.

Active / Free /  Offline 

5. Ask referrals from existing clients

Serve your customers and make them evangelists to refer new customers and talk good about you to other customers.

Active / Free /  Offline 

6. Ask referrals from relatives / friends 

Let your relatives and friends know what you do, they might know your potential clients. Do not ignore them.

Active / Free /  Offline 

7. Identify all your Target Industries and their Associations

Be a part of your target industry associations. You will have the chance to meet all your potential clients at one place.

Active / Free /  Offline 

8. Your Industry Associations

Be a part of your associations. A potential place to meet your competitors and other clients. Think of ways you can collaborate and grow.

Active / Free /  Offline 

9. Ex-Colleagues who have worked with you

Keep in regular touch with them, sometimes they may end up in key positions in your target client's industry.

Active / Free /  Offline 

10. Attend general events - Motivational speakers in your home town

All potential Entrepreneurs/Business Owners who are interested in learning will gather here. Network with them to generate enquiries.

Active / Free /  Offline 

11. Make a Dream 100 - Lists of your customers

Identify top customers in each of your target industry areas and create a Dream 100 list of clients and find ways to approach them

Active / Free /  Offline 

12. Identify a local SME body and enroll with them

This brings you a chance to meet business owners from various industries

Active / Free /  Offline 

13. Identify Magazines in your target industry

Inquire about how they gather regularly and network with them to meet readers of the magazines in your target industry

Active / Free /  Offline 

14. Visit Exhibitions and Trade Shows of your Target Industry

This is an excellent place to meet your target industry at one place and understand trends.

Active / Free /  Offline 

15. Visit Exhibitions and Trade Shows of your own industry

This is an excellent place to meet your industry friends, Network and collaborate to grow together

Active / Free /  Offline 

16. Meet your potential clients and offer a free book you have written

Writing a book is considered to show that you are the authority in your field. And it is the best Business Card you can ever have.

Active / Free /  Offline 

17. Partner and sell through related products

Identify products or services you can partner up & complement to sell together.

Active / Free /  Offline 

18. Work with partners who are in the same business in neighboring countries

Identify partners who may require your products and services in neighboring countries, who can work on a project basis.

Active / Free /  Offline 

19. Make your staff and team involved in referring sales

Train your staff and team to look for potential projects suitable to your company. Approach with an open eye, you may find interesting leads. Have a reward system for the same.

Active / Free /  Offline 

20. Tie-up with your potential competitors

Potential Tie-ups with like-minded competitors are very beneficial

Active / Free /  Offline 

21. Partnering with individuals in the forward integration process

Identify Influencer's or referral partners who can connect with your potential clients. Ex. Leasing agents can bring leads to interior designers.

Active / Free /  Offline 

22. Networking-BNI

Join a local BNI - Business Network international. Give and Get Businesses.

Active / Paid  / Online

23. Attend International Exhibitions

This can be an important source of information to know more about global expansion plans.

Active / Paid  / Online

24. Conducting Events & Seminars

This is a marketing activity and will bring in amazing brand awareness and create opportunity to people network each other..

Active / Paid  / Online

25. Visit Source/Head Office of the local company

This can be an important source of information if you are working with International Brands. Some clients finalize their suppliers in their Global Head Office and implement buying activity.

Active / Paid  / Online

26. Participate in Trade Shows

 Participate and display your products in trade shows.

Active / Paid  / Online

27. Activate your Brand through POS display in Malls, Beaches, and other crowded areas

This is called Marketing Activation. This works well to create brand awareness especially for consumer products.

Active / Paid  / Online

28. Arrange conference with dinner invite customers to drive the market

You can invite your potential clients in one place by arranging a speaker who can deliver a valuable speech, useful for your clients and can also promote your products. You can choose a topic trending. Good opportunity to network

Active / Paid  / Online

29. Cold Calling

Identify top customers in each of the target industry areas and do cold calling to identify requirements.

Passive/ Free  / Online

30. Re-engage with past clients who are not in touch

Make ''How are you" calls (not to talk about business), talk about personal matters.

Passive/ Free  / Online

31. Read newspaper articles about business news 

Look for articles from your target industry to see their expansion plans announced by them, this can be a potential opportunity for you to approach and do business.

Passive/ Free  / Online

32. Free listing in business Directories in Print

Identify local business directories and add your company name and get it listed.

Passive/ Free  / Online

33. Email signature | Easy to call Phone number or Clickable email

Make all your email signatures with phone numbers callable with click and emails clickable. Avoid using the image for email signatures. Many customers use mobile phones to search by company name and call you through email signatures.

Passive/ Free  / Online

34. Visit on-going live project sites & take pictures of the site information board

This is a project-centric approach, where you find a particular project developing in your locality and you can approach them directy

Passive/ Free  / Online

35. Top influencer's in each of your target industry

There are veterans and influencer's in each field, identify them and befriend them to connect to potential clients.

Passive/ Free  / Online

36. Top consultants in your target industry

There are top consultants in each field, identify them and befriend them to connect to potential client

Passive/ Free  / Online

37. List your name in local yellow pages & White page directory

List your company in local Yellow pages and White page directories.

Passive/ Free  / Online

38. Start PR activities that increase visibility

Get noticed in your city by speaking/writing or being interviewed in any of the channels/Media that can bring and increase your PR activities.

Passive/ Free  / Online

39. Find out ways to make company your visible by writing an article in a magazine/newspaper for free

Identify opportunities to promote a company in Newspapers or magazines.

Passive/ Free  / Online

40. Write a book in your industry

This will help you position your self as an authority in your field. Publicize in various social Media for ultimate results

Passive/ Free  / Online

41. Online Websites - business news websites 

Look for articles of your target industry in Online Business Intelligence websites to see their expansion plans. This can be a potential opportunity for you to approach and do business.

Passive/ Free  / Online

42. Ask referrals through WhatsApp groups

Be active in various Industry related WhatsApp groups, you can request for referrals and contacts of clients you are potentially looking forward to reaching.

Passive/ Free  / Online

43. Ask referrals through relevant Facebook groups of your industry

Be active in various Industry related Facebook groups, You can request for referrals of a client you are potentially looking forward to connect.

Passive/ Free  / Online

44. Ask referrals through relevant LinkedIn groups

Be active in various Industry related LinkedIn groups, You can request for referrals and contacts of a client you are potentially looking forward to reaching

Passive/ Free  / Online

45. Look for expansion strategies on your customer's websites. Check their latest news for leads.

This is also an excellent information, as all customers are proud to announce their expansion plans on their websites. This can be a vital information for you.

Passive/ Free  / Online

46. Connecting through Facebook Fans 

Posts regularly and connect with all your potential customers and invite them to your business page. Have a Call-To- Action Button in Facebook linked to your web site

Passive/ Free  / Online

47. Connecting through LinkedIn members

Connect with friends of friends who are in the same target market industry. This is an easy hack as your friend would be already connected with the target clients you are looking for. Keep adding the people you meet.

Passive/ Free  / Online

48. Connecting through Twitter and grow Audience

Posts regularly and connect with all your potential customers

Passive/ Free  / Online

49. Connecting through Instagram

Posts regularly and connect with all your potential customers. Follow them and be followed

Passive/ Free  / Online

50. Connecting through Pinterest

Posts regularly and connect with all your potential customers and invite them to your business page

Passive/ Free  / Online

51. Tendering Websites

Be a part of tendering web sites and get notifications when there is a potential inquiry in your industry category.

/ Passive/ Free  / Online

52.Free listing in business online directories

Google search all online directories and send entries to register. Search your top 10 competitors in google and list your name in all the directories they are part of

/ Passive/ Free  / Online

53.Cross promotion with SOLO Ads on websites

Identify 10 different businesses that have the same target markets and promote them/talk good about them on social media. This can help bring leads to them from your customers and vice versa

/ Passive/ Free  / Online

54.Cross promotion with SOLO Ads on websites

Identify 10 different businesses that have the same target markets and promote them/talk good about them on social media. This can help bring leads to them from your customers and vice versa

/ Passive/ Free  / Online

55.Cross Promotion through Email Marketing

Partner up with other business owner who shares the same target market. You can send an email to your clients talking about his products. And he will send vice versa

/ Passive/ Free  / Online

56.Register with large companies in Vendor list through online portal

Identify all Govt and Major clients in your target industry and register in the web portal or Buyer portal for receiving enquiries.

/ Passive/ Free  / Online

57.Do Keyword Analysis - who is looking for your products in Google Search

You may find some information which can help you, how your customers looking for your products online. Do competitor analysis and find what key words are performing best.

Passive/ Free  / Online

58.Look for online directories of your target industry and start advertising there

There are special directories for Real estate, Medical, Hotel, etc. Try and place an ad in the same to attract leads

 / Passive/ Paid Offline /

59.WhatsApp Widget in web site

High ROI chat help you to chat with your customers live and answer all objections

/ Passive/ Paid Offline 

60.Enroll in Google My Business and Get noticed and found

It is a Google Free Services to identify your business & get it verified by Google, so that, when someone searches you appear on google

/ Passive/ Free  / Online

61.Place your company on Google Maps and get identified easily

Pin your company on Google maps. People can find directions to reach your business location

/ Passive/ Free  / Online

62.Create Whats App Broadcasting Groups (256 members per group)

Start sending your promotional posts periodically on WhatsApp broadcasting groups

/ Passive/ Free  / Online

63.Upload your contacts in

Add your contacts list in Nudge will send reminders when your contacts are active on Social media. By commenting on their posts you can grab their attention and be in front of their eyes

/ Passive/ Free  / Online

64.You must have a impressive business card & other catalogs

Please get all your marketing collateral sorted with correct phone numbers & email ID's

/ Passive/ Free  / Online

65.Advertising in Trade Magazines

Place advertisements in trade magazines and their website potentially to reach your target industry

/ Passive/ Paid Offline

66.Advertising in newspapers

Newspaper ads & Classified Ads are a conventional way of generating leads. But still works for some products

/ Passive/ Paid Offline

67.Outdoor Bill Board Advertisement

Advertising on prominent Bill Boards brings in potential clients and brand awareness. This is one of the expensive method.

/ Passive/ Paid Offline

68. Business Intelligence services for projects like BNC Network

This can be an important source of information, you can subscribe to get the latest update on New, Concept, Design, Build projects in various countries

Passive/ Paid / Offline

69. Vehicle Branding/Graphics

This is an advertisement on the wheels promoting your brand all along with the travel. Have your Phone number and website displayed on your vehicle

Passive/ Paid / Offline

70. Identify Potential "CALL SERVICES" that generates leads

If you are registered when customers call, they will pass on the inquiry to you. e.g. JUSTDIAL

Passive/ Paid / Offline

71, SMS marketing

Subscribe to SMS Marketing tools. This can be an effective tool for approaching consumers directly

Passive/ Paid / Offline

72.Online Services Portal

Identify your local online services portal which is active and your potential clients registered are looking forward to buying products & service through that. Like Alibaba

Passive  / Paid / Online

73.Create Apps & Promote Apps

Depending on the business you are in. Creating and promoting apps encourage your customers to order through the Apps

Passive  / Paid / Online

74.Email Marketing Activity

Email marketing is also an excellent method to be in touch with existing and new clients. Get your emails verified before sending a marketing email if you have purchased a database.

Passive  / Paid / Online

75.Live Chat Widget on your website

High ROI chat help you to chat with your customers live and answer all objections

Passive  / Paid / Online

76.Create Chat bot for selling your products

Little Chabot placed on your website and connected to Facebook messenger do the magic of nurturing and qualifying your prospective leads

Passive  / Paid / Online

77.Approach Clients through Linked Premium

You can inbox message and contact all your potential clients through LinkedIn premium.

Passive  / Paid / Online

78. Messenger Marketing & Chat BOTS

Utilize the latest technology to generate leads with click through rate of 70% in Messenger Marketing through Facebook

Passive  / Paid / Online

79.Google - SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for your web site

Do regular SEO to bring your website on the first page of Google when searched for your industry. This has to be done for long term results

Passive  / Paid / Online

80.Google Ads (SEM - Search Engine Marketing)

Do Google AdWords if required for instant Results

Passive/ Paid / Offline

81.Advertising on Facebook

Run ads to your target audience to attract traffic and generate Leads instantly. Have Sales funnel set up.

Passive  / Paid / Online

82. Advertising through LinkedIn Ads

Run ads to your target audience to attract traffic and generate leads.

Passive  / Paid / Online

83.Advertising through YouTube Ads

Run ads to your target audience to attract traffic.

Passive  / Paid / Online

84.Advertising through Twitter Ads

Run ads to your target audience to attract traffic

Passive/ Paid / Offline

85.Advertising through Pinterest Ads

Run ads to your target audience to attract traffic

Passive  / Paid / Online

86.Gmail Advertisement

Run ads to your target audience to attract traffic

Passive  / Paid / Online

87.Yahoo Advertisements

Run ads to your target audience to attract traffic

Passive  / Paid / Online

88.Google Display Advertisements

Run ads to your target audience to attract traffic through Google Display Ads through Programmatic Ads platform

Passive  / Paid / Online

89.Subscribe to leads providing websites like Sulekha

If you are registered when a customers call, they will pass on the inquiry to you

Passive  / Paid / Online

90.Instagram Advertisements

Run ads to your target audience to attract traffic.

Passive  / Paid / Online

91.Quora Advertisements ( Users 678 Million)

Run ads to your target audience to attract traffic.

Passive/ Paid / Offline

92.Build an attractive Website to attract Leads

Web sites are the number one tool for people to find out about you and your products

Passive  / Paid / Online

93.Build attractive Sales Funnels & Landing Pages for specific products to attract leads

It acts like a sales person and when shared to your audience, you will have a 10 X impact than your web site, as it talks only about particular product

Passive  / Paid / Online

94.Acts as a sales BOT. It answers and qualifies your customers

Passive  / Paid / Online

95.BOTIM Advertisements

Run ads to your target audience to attract traffic. These are ads run for specific app users

Passive  / Paid / Online

96.Video Marketing

Create Videos about your products & services. Videos are considered to be one of the best lead magnets

Passive  / Paid / Online

97.Encourage Facebook check in's for your Clients & Friends when they visit your place

All contacts of clients and friends have access to your Facebook postings. This will be very powerful for B to C and will give a big boost to your FB account

Passive  / Paid / Online

98 .Radio Ads do good too, depending on the nature of your business

Radio Ads also work well in some cases.

Passive  / Paid / Online

99. Keep Subscription on top of the blog, so the subscribers should be auto-updated when there is new content.

It is a new form of attracting customers when they visit your website. It enrolls them in the subscription list and sends frequent posts

Passive  / Paid / Online

100.Have POP ups installed in your web site with options to collect emails in return for Free PDF of clients interest

It is a new form attracting customers whoever visiting your web sites and enroll them in the subscription list and send frequent posts.

Passive  / Paid / Online


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free 80 Search Engine Submission Sites

S.No. Website Url DA PA 1 100 f80 2 94 57 3 92 53 4 71 58 5 65 35 6 58 58 7 53 49 8 52 50 9 50... Read More

S.No. Website Url DA PA
1 100 f80
2 94 57
3 92 53
4 71 58
5 65 35
6 58 58
7 53 49
8 52 50
9 50 48
10 50 30
11 48 66
12 47 52
13 45 48
14 44 51
15 43 63
16 43 55
17 42 38
18 41 45
19 41 36
20 39 48
21 38 55
22 37 48
23 36 41
24 36 44
25 36 53
26 35 50
27 35 51
28 35 47
29 34 50
30 34 49
31 34 29
32 34 53
33 34 52
34 34 42
35 33 42
36 33 49
37 33 41
38 32 53
39 32 39
40 31 42
41 30 46
42 30 42
43 30 40
44 29 55
45 29 28
46 29 35
47 29 45
48 29 29
49 28 36
50 28 43
51 28 37
52 28 30
53 28 32
54 27 51
55 27 50
56 27 47
57 27 50
58 27 28
59 26 32
60 26 42
61 26 35
62 26 46
63 25 49
64 25 43
65 25 43
66 25 44
67 24 35
68 24 32
69 23 50
70 23 37
71 22 34
72 22 49
73 21 25
74 20 31
75 20 50
76 19 30
77 18 42
78 17 18
79 17 31
80 16 34
81 16 47
82 14 38
83 13 40
84 13 29

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