Suveta' I am a studant of class 9th B. I am study in Government Girl's Inter Collage. I am live from deoband kuralki . My father name is M.r Jitendra and my mother name is reeta . I have two brother's Vinit and Ayush . My uncle name is Amit Kumar and my aunty name is Deepa . My uncle has two children Anubhav and Sanvi. it;s my lovely family .I love my family . my best friend name is Ishika and Dikshant Kumar . My hobies are very types 1. planting 2. singing 3.dancing 4. story reading 5. cooking . My Computer sir name is Sanjeev Pandey . My favorit fruit is guava . My favorit colour is skyblue . My favorit country is south korea... My favorit flower is rose . My favorit play is badmention. My birth in 05 may 2010 . My dream is ,I am going to South Korea and Japan .