Dr. Harsha Bhattacharjee is Founder, President and Trustee of Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya (SSN), Guwahati. This association was proclaimed as a "Focal point of Excellence" in 2004 by then Prime Minister of India Dr.Manmohan Singh. He is likewise Founder Director of "Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya Institute of Ophthalmology" and "Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya Institute of Community Ophthalmology".
Dr. Bhattacharjee was associated with ICMR to do investigate on Congenital Ocular Abnormalities and impact of fatherly age on Congenital Ocular Disorder. He was colleague of WHO community oriented investigation on visual impairment in Assam and colleague of WHO movement on Small Pox Eradication Program.
Dr. Bhattacharjee has sorted out a few National and International gatherings and he has in excess of 200 national distributions and in excess of 20 global productions amazingly. He has made in excess of 300 introductions in a few Local, National and International discussions. He was Associate Professor of Regional Institute of Ophthalmology, Guwahati Medical College Hospital and President of Association of Community Ophthalmologist India. He is life individual from All India Ophthalmic Society, American Academy of Ophthalmology, and so on.
Dr. Bhattacharjee has been Chairman, Panellist& Guest Lecturer in numerous logical meetings (national and worldwide) and is a welcomed member in National and International gatherings. He has likewise Co-Authored 4 Textbook of Ophthalmology.
Dr. Bhattacharjee is an analyst at Calcutta University, Gauhati University, Royal College of Surgeons (FRCP, Edin.) and National Board of Examinations, New Delhi. He likewise fills in as an Inspector and research control for National Board of Examinations, New Delhi and post graduate educator and research manage (Ph. D) control at Srimanta Sankaradeva University of Health Sciences (SSUHS).
The clinical experience of Dr. Bhattacharjee is rich with in excess of 55 thousand Cataract and Anterior Segment eye medical procedures, 21thousand Vitreo Retinal medical procedures and 9 thousand Adnexal medical procedures. Sixty level of his clinical work is done as good cause and network administration.
Dr. Bhattacharjee has been engaged with different spearheading exercises like presentation and advancement of Intra Ocular Lens implantation following waterfall medical procedure in North East India, Introduction of Phacoemulsification, careful method and foundation of Vitreo-Retinal set up in India and presentation of current Vitreo Retinal treatment and careful offices in North East India.
Dr. Bhattacharjee has a few honors amazingly like Karmayogi grant; 2000-2001 gave by the International Association of Lions Club, Excellence in Medicine grant; 2008 gave by Down Town Hospital, Achievement grant; 2007-2008 by South Asian Academy of Ophthalmology, S Debnath Memorial Baticrom Social honor; 2010 presented by Baticrom Group of Publication, Professional greatness and commitment in the field of Ophthalmology gave by International Hospital, DPRC grant for extraordinary clinical assistance in the general public 2013, Social Contribution grant gave by GLP group of friends Guwahati and a unique felicitation by All Assam Students Union (AASU) and a lot progressively prestigious association.