shakuntla hospital
contact s:  01232-231220 |   9045005407 
dr. mohit gupta 9319005407 dr. dipali gupta  
shakuntla devi hospital limited is a public incorporated on 17 november 2008. it is classified as non-govt company and is registered at registrar of companies kanpur. its authorized share capital is rs. 1 500 000 and its paid up capital is rs. 1 450 000. it is inolved in human health activities shakuntla devi hospital limited' s annual general meeting (agm) was last held on 29 september 2018 and as per records from ministry of corporate affairs (mca) its balance sheet was last filed on 31 march 2018.
directors of shakuntla devi hospital limited are deepali gupta mohit gupta and jagdish prasad gupta.
shakuntla devi hospital limited' s corporate identification number is (cin) u85110up2008plc036306 and its registration number is 36306.its email address is [email protected] and its registered address is c/o shakuntla  hospital bank colony near amber cinema g.t. road modinagar up 201204 in.