Blog by alisha ansari | Digital Diary
" To Present local Business identity in front of global market"
" To Present local Business identity in front of global market"
the web as the world wide web is popularly cannot is an Framework for accessing link content separate out of our millions of machine all over the internet in 10 years it want from being a way to co-ordinate the design of high energy Physics experiment in Switzerland to the application that millions of people think of as being the internet it in commerce popularity steam for the faith that it is easy for beginners to use and provide excessive which with the rich graphical interface 2 and economics...
let us know enzyme and the web browser side in 80 in more detail in essence a browser is a program that can display a web page and catch mouse clicks to item on the displayed page when an item is selected the browser follow the hyperlink and the page selected when the web was first created it was immediately send that having one page one to another web page required mechanism for naming and locating page...
to be able to display the new page the browser has to understand it form to all browser to understand all pages web pages are written in standardise language called as TML it is the leggings France of the web we will discuss in the details letter in the chapter alcohol a browser is basically and interpreter most browser have various button and feature to make it is a to navigate the web
Read Full Blog...electronic mail or more commonly email has been around forever three decaders faster and cheaper than people mail email has been a popular application since the earlier days of the internet before 1990 it was mostly used IT Academy during the 1990 century it become cannot to the public at large and grow expansion to the point where the number of emails and per day no is wastely more than the number of snail mail...
in this section we will provide and overview on how email system are organised and what they can do the hecture of the email system in show in it consist of two kids of subsystem the user against which all of people to read and send email and the message transfer agents which move the message from the source to the destination....
a user agent is a program sometimes called an email letter the accept a variety of commands for compoing receiving and replying to messages as well as for manipulating main box there are many popular user agent including Google Gmail Microsoft Outlook
Read Full Blog...that transport layer is the key to understanding layer protocol it provides various service the most important of which is and and to And Labour connection oriented by steam foods under to receiver it is excele throw service that permit that established use and release of connection a common transport layer interface is the one provide by ...
transport protocol must be able to do connection management our unreliable network connection is establishment is completed by the extents of delight duplicate package that can refer at in appoints to deal with them they handshake and needed to establish connection relicing a connection isn't then you blessing but is still for from tribal due to the too many problem...
the main internet transfer protocol it TCP it provide area level BD direction conjunction control system with header on all segment A grade deal of work has gone into optimising performance using algorithm from negla clerk coin and other network performance is typically dominated by protocol and segment processing our head and this situation that's whats at higher speed protocol should be design to minimise the number of segment and work for large daily path
Read Full Blog...window protocol in the previous protocol data frame where transmitted in One Direction only the most practical situation there are his a needed to transmit data is both achieving full reflex data transmission is to run to run interface on the of way of achievement full duplex data transmission is to run to intense of one of the previous protocol each using a separately for simplex data traffic...
a better idea is to use the same link for data in what direction after all in protocol 2 and 3 it was already being used to transmit frame both wise and the leaves channel normally has to same capacity as the forward channel in this model the data frames from a to b and infected with the economy frame from a to b by looking at the killed failed in the header of an incoming frame. .
before taking the general case let us exam is sliding window protocol with a window size of such a protocol uses top and wet seals the standard transmits a frame and were for its acknowledgement before sending the next one Deputy such as protocol..
Read Full DP is a simple protocol and is has some very important uses such as client server in tractor and multimedia but for most internet application reliable sequences deliver is needed you DP cannot provide this so another protocol is required it is called TCP and it is the main work horse of the internet let us known study in the details....
was specifically design to provide a reliable and to and by stream our and unreliable internet and interwork different from a single network because different part may have widely difference topology band with Taylor's packet size and other parameter TCP was designs to diematly adapt to proper rights of the Internet work and to be rubbers in the face of many games of failure...
in this section we will given a journal overview of the TCP Protocol in the next one we will go over the protocol header field by field a key feature of TCP and one that domains the protocol design is that every byte and TCP connection that has it won't 32 bit sequence number
Read Full Blog...Too many packets present in a part of the network causes backed daily and loss the deserts perform this situation is called communication the network and transport layer share the responsibility for handling congestion Network and transport near share the responsibility for handling condition Since on congestion accure within the network it is the network layer the directly expenses experience it and most ultimately determined what to do with the axis packet however the most affected way to control condition is to reduce the load that the transport layer is placing on the network....
the first approach we will exam is traffic aware routing the routing scheme we looked in section 5 use fix link with this scheme adapted to change in topology but not to change in load the coal in technology into account when computing root is to traffic away from hotspot that will be the first place in the network the experience congestion....
that is widely used is virtual Circus network to keep congestion at by the admission control the idea is simple do not set up a virtual Circus clan and less than network can carry the edit traffic without becoming congestion ..
Read Full Blog...the main function of the network layer is rooting packet from the source machine to the distillation machine in most network packets will require multiple hopes to make the journey the only notable exception in for broadcad NEST but even here routine is an issue if the source and destination are not on the same network cell the algorithm that choose the roots and the data structure that they keep you are a major area of network layer design...
before we get information is specific goridham it may be helpful to not let one can make a General statement about optimal routine without regard to network topology or traffic these statement is cannot as the optimtaly principal it is take that if rooter is on the optimal bad from router then the optimal bad from j2k also along the same route..
let us being our study of rooting algorithm with a simple techniques for computing optimal pats given a complete picture of the network these that are the ones that we want a distribute to rooting algorithm to find even thought not alloters make an all of the detail of the network
Read Full Blog...wireless Lance are increasingly popular and homes office Cafe libraries airport juice and other public place are being outfit with them to connect computer PDF and Smartphones to the internet wireless Lance can also be used to late to or more Nearby computer communication without using the internet the main wireless Lance standard in 802.11 in the following section we will look at the protocol is that physical layer radio transmission technique...
each of the transmission techniquesment it possible to send a Mac frame our the air from on station to another day different however in the technology used and speed achieve it detailed discussion of this technology is for behind the scope of this text build but if you wants on each one will provide in trusted leaders with the search used for more information....
let us leave return from the land of electrical engineering to the land or computer find the 802.11 M AC sub layer protocol is quiet different from that of athernet due to factor that are fundamental to wireless communication
Read Full quality do nots just appear it is result of good project management and solid software engineering practice management and practice are applied within the contact of Forward activities that help is software team achieve high software quality software engineering method project management techniques quality control action and software quality assurance...
ining a design that confirm to the problem will at the same time xviding characteristic that lead to software that X with the quality dimension and factor discuss...
quality control in compasses is set of software engineering action that help to ensure that each work product meet its quality goals model are reviewed to ensure that they are complete and consistence code maybe inspected in order to incover and correct errors before think common sense..
Read Full Blog...Software process improvement long before the Paras of their process improvement was widely used work with major corporation is an attempt to improve the state of their software engineering practice as a constitution of his experience he wrote a book and tile making software engineering happen in the preface of that book the made the following comment.... what is software process improvement that terms of wear process improvement S P I applied in first it implies that elements of an effective software process can be defined in an effective manners II that and exciting organisational approach to software development can be assistent against these elements and third that a meaningful starter for improvement can be define... is software process improvement for everyone for many years SBI was viewed as a corporate activities a for something that only large companies perform but today is significant percentage of all software development is being performed by companies that employee favour than 100 people Read Full Blog...
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