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What is the skills of communication

Communication skills communication skills can be studies under the foreheads writing skill reading skill speaking skill listening skill writing leading reading speaking and listening this communication route Nelly used part of our vulber and nonverbal communication must be Bond and tell me the into tools of progress and success in the world of business... in bulgarian community centre schools in business communication skills play very good and also besides quality of goods and services it is the way of this Torch with us which determine our child not only are the relationship between the Sailor and the buyer moulder in the Matric of communication skills the Sailor ability to maintain his position in market hej links with the wholesaler and the letters awareness about the availability of the best source of the supply and the customer alternate regarding the competitive price etc... role of skills of business the internal functioning of business organisation makes use of communication skills the manager interesting and enforce the staff and decision are made after gathering necessary information new policies are checked...

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