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What is the business communication and computer

Definition of a computer

computer may be defined as an electronic machine and can be acquired store manipulate user reduce and communicate data at a very high speed maintaining a high level of accuracy it can access and processes data million of time faster than humans can a computer is a work to order machine human brain has will power a computer has had no intelligence your brain...


computer are information processing machine which can do a variety of job very quickly data is first into the computer by an input device then according to the instruction give two it in the form of a program the computer manipulate the data and give the reason in the form of output in the world it may be used said the computer is an electronic device which can accept data...

types of computer

supercomputer Arena most powerful computer and HTML expensive are used to metrological forecasting space research by Matric accurate Robert etc as also in provision special effects and computer generating special effect and computer genetic image in modern movies there are not very very super computer in the world...


of using machine a computer can never think or Max decision of it's our computer system only specific that up rules to arrive at the result solution it is impossible for any system to analyse the router and process to process the data

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