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What do you understand by the Linux System

 linux oprating

Update by Robert love the chapter present and depend examination of the Linux operating system by examing a complete real system see how the concept we have discussed related both to on another and two practice units is a variant of Unix that has gained popularity over the last several decides powering decide as small as mobile phone and as large as room filly super computers..

Linux history

Linux looks and face much like any other unique system in this Unix Complex liability has been a major design goal of the Linux project however enough is the much younger that most unique system this development being in 1991 when a finish University student..

the Linux system

as we noted earlier the Linux Kernel from the core of the leenus project but other components make up a complete LINUX operating system where the Linux Kernel is composed entirely of code he right from search specifically for the Linux project the sharing of tool was work in both direction the main system libraries of Venus where oriented by the GNU project but the Linux community generally improve the libraries by addressing emission in premium and bugs...

Linux distribution

in theory anybody can install a Linux system by f****** the latest revision of the necessary system components found in the FTP sides and complaining than in Linux early days the recently was a Linux user had to do

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