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What do you mean by brand decision

Monitoring brand

brands our A period of the time in an exercise that is carried out by economic and business manganese and newspaper these brand service reveal the power of the brand in the given in market in India the first ever brand survey was conducted by a and M the advertise and marketing magazines the exception in this service was that brand popularity was a function of trust and confident that customer had in the hand brand subsequently from 2004 convert economic themes has been carry carry out the annual brand...

connect with the consumer

that of brand in 80 service reval that they had a strong connect with the customer for example Nokia 22b and India first to do in India in order to connect with the customer it season product and marketing cutting product relevant to price points in different market segment...


in was mentioned in the chapter on new product introduce that innovation are the concern stone of all growth strategy no react Nokia ability to go up to brand equality leather can be attributed to its product Innovation and strong marketing and distribution capability within an average of 40 method introduced every year...

consistent brand values

it is extremely important that the value of the remain consistent it most consciously communicate to the customer across all the available media vehicles ever seen in them in the Indian market in 1996 Nokia has communicated a single or value of innovation in mobile communication device..

perceive competitive

differentiation the customer receive competitive differentiation in bind the Nokia has sort to achieve this throw it multiple new product with the state of our Technology...

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